KS3 and KS4 Glossary
This document provides word lists linked to vocabulary that appears in the national curriculum for mathematics (2014) organised into Key Stage bands. Upper Key Stage 2 (years 5 & 6) words have been included for transition and continuity.
For each word, the year group and the national curriculum domain in which it first appears is identified. This is not to say that the word is not used in other areas of mathematics or in subsequent year groups. Mathematics is a subject where a ‘spiral’ curriculum is often advocated. Learners are expected to revisit concepts with ever increasing complexity, making connections across domains as they progress. The language associated with mathematics enables precise communication of ideas and concepts and provides one of the building blocks required by learners as they develop their understanding. It is to be noted that not all the words in the glossary would be used in the classroom.
This document provides a point of reference for teachers to ensure the language used is correct and precise and all concepts are taught with prior knowledge of meaning and definition.