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    Last chance to book - Using Question Level Analysis (QLA) to Drive Strategic School Improvement 24-25 (Webinar) – 24 October 2024

    by Hannah Richardson -

    A surprising number of schools do not routinely carry out in-depth question-level analysis following the KS2 tests when the data becomes available in the autumn term and make the most of the rich source of data available through ASP. Where schools use question-level data diagnostically, it can be highly revealing. 

    This course will support senior leaders alongside maths and English leads to gain additional insight into pupil performance through focusing on question level analysis of the KS2 SATS. The subject-specific sessions focus on areas of common challenge, particularly for the pupils who just missed the expected standard, and suggests practical ways to adapt Year 6 curriculum planning and test preparation to improve outcomes for current Year 6 pupils. 

    Leaders will be able to review and address areas of need in order to refine strategic plans and ensure that all children make good progress throughout the year in English and mathematics. 
    Support leaders to use QLA to plan strategically for the year ahead through: 

    • gaining a detailed level of understanding of performance relating to domain specific questions and areas of the curriculum, at whole class and individual level 
    • refining deployment of resources, curriculum planning and staff CPD based on identified needs
    • using evidence-based analysis to plan whole class, small group and individual interventions 
    • refining approaches to test preparation through precise understanding of the demands of particularly challenging question types.   

    Further information 

    • Senior leader to attend whole day with opportunity for Mathematics leader to attend the morning session and English leader to attend the afternoon session. 
    • Delegates should have access to a laptop/device to access their school’s data. 
    • Delegates should have access to relevant passwords to access school data (ASP). 
    • Bring copies/have access to school strategic plans including maths and English strategic plans.   

    Please note only the senior leader is required to sign up on the Learning Zone. 

    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: QLA

    Price: Sub £180 / SLA £145 / Full £216

    Sign up to Inclusive Classroom – Adapting Planning in Mathematics for Pupils with SEND – 11 November 2024 and 5 February 2025

    by Hannah Richardson -

    This course is designed for mainstream teachers who want to develop their skills and confidence in adapting maths planning to meet the needs of pupils who are working significantly behind their peers. The course will focus on practical strategies for creating inclusive maths lessons focusing on the planning process. 

    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Inclusive Classroom

    Price: Sub £220 / SLA £135 / Full £264 

    Don’t miss our Autumn 1 24-25 Secondary Maths Network – 16 October 2024

    by Hannah Richardson -

    The primary aims of the subject network meetings are to:

    • Ensure a clear understanding of the national picture and its application in local and school contexts.
    • Support effective subject leadership as appropriate to each school’s individual context.
    • Develop skills, expertise, and capacity within school subject leaders and their teams through quality strategic CPD and the sharing of good practice.
    • Deepen understanding of subject specific pedagogy and knowledge that underpins good progress and attainment for ALL pupils.
    • Facilitate school to school networking and develop strength across the system.
    • Provide an opportunity to engage with examination board representatives throughout the year. Edexcel will be presenting at this network.

    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Autumn 1 Maths

    Price: Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90

    Come and join us for our Primary Mathematics: New Mathematics Managers (2024-25) course – 22 November 2024, 17 January and 14 March 2025

    by Hannah Richardson -

    Over three face-to-face half-day sessions this course will explore key issues in leading and managing mathematics teaching and learning in the primary years. Delegates will develop their understanding of their role as mathematics subject leader.

    As part of the course a bespoke individual virtual session of one hour will be booked during the summer term with each participant to discuss their own professional needs and support them with their mathematics action plan.

    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: New Mathematics Managers

    Price: Sub £495 / SLA £260 / Full £594

    Unlocking Potential: Tackling Education Disadvantage in Maths – Part 1 - 22 January 2025 (Part 2 – 23 April 2025)

    by Hannah Richardson -

    This course aims to be thought provoking and practical. It is designed specifically for leaders who want to make a positive impact on the maths achievement of pupils who face educational disadvantage. This course will help develop a deeper understanding of the barriers within maths and provide you with the skills and confidence to develop and implement an action research project that addresses the specific needs of your own school.

    Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Unlocking Potential

    Price: Sub £220 / SLA £135 / Full £264 Split across FY’s
    Part 1: Sub £110 / SLA £70 / Full £132
    Part 2: Sub £110 / SLA £65 / Full £132

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