Topic outline

  • Upcoming Maths Courses

    Visit our Learning Zone and search to book on any of the courses below using the course title or suggested keywords.

    Click here
     to view our upcoming Primary Maths courses.
    Click here to view our upcoming Secondary Maths courses.

  • Our latest Maths training offers

    The training delivery model for individual courses is identified in the course titles on the Learning Zone as follows:

    Webinar – virtual training via Microsoft Teams
    Blended – courses that are a mixture of virtual and face to face training
    No categorisation – venue based training

    For any queries regarding our training offer, please contact

    For any course booking queries, please contact

    • Primary Maths Core Provision 2024-25

      Our Primary Maths Core Provision offer for Hampshire schools provides opportunities for subject leaders to work collaboratively through a series of subject network meetings and an annual conference. Content is shaped to reflect national and local priorities ensuring our subject leaders are best placed to reflect on current guidance.  

      In 2024-25 the Maths Core Provision offer includes:

      • a headteacher and subject leader strategic planning and update meeting (to be delivered virtually)
      • four half-day subject leader meetings* (face to face)
      • a half day venue based Primary Maths conference (for subject leaders).

      Our programmes
      There are 19 district based Maths programmes. You can find information on dates and times on the Maths Core Provision programme dates 
      overview document below.  Please check this information carefully before enrolling to identify the programme relevant to your school’s geographical area. Please note: dates/times and venue information provided in the overview document is correct at the time of publishing but may be subject to change. 

      Programme cost
      The cost of each programme for 2024-25, which includes all the elements above is:
      Sub: £605 Full: £725 HIAS SLA element: £410

      How to book
      Please book via the Learning Zone (bookings open on 15 April 2024). Search for and locate the programme for your area via the relevant keywords eg Maths Core Test Valley 24-25 or  Maths Core East Hants 24-25.

      • Please check that the dates fit with your/your subject leader’s working pattern before booking on your chosen stream.
      • Please ensure that you select the 'Scheduled Program' when enrolling. 
      • Only enrol your Maths subject leader on these programmes. Headteachers should not enrol on Core Provision themselves unless they are acting as the subject leader.
      Please refer to our Booking guidance for English and Maths Core Provision Programmes 2024-25  for further information/instructions. 

      Need help?
      Should you require further assistance with enrolling, please contact our HTLC Administrator:
      Margaret Wood:

      For general queries about this Core Provision offer, please contact:
      Katie Scott, Training Programme Manager:

    • Primary

      Take a look at the Primary Maths learning opportunities available to book:

      To search for a specific course, type the course title or keywords in the 'Find Learning' box.

      Autumn Term 2024

      Primary Mathematics: Effective Teaching of Times Tables 2024

      26 September and 5 Decemeber 2024

      Keyword Search: Math Tables 2024

      The aim of this course is to explore and develop ideas, pedagogies and associated subject knowledge to promote and enhance the teaching of times tables in the classroom. Teachers will engage in mathematics from the primary curriculum and explore mental strategies in order to support pupils’ conceptual understanding to mental fluency.

      Price: Sub £210 / SLA £135 / Full £252

      ‘Pathway to Progress’ – A Mathematics Intervention Programme

      11 November 2024

      Keyword Search: Pathway Mathematics

      A half-day training session on ‘Pathway to Progress’ – A mathematics intervention programme. Currently available for pupils in Year 1, 2, 4 and 6. 

      This intervention is designed to give pupils the foundations and skills to enable them to make accelerated progress and secure age-related expectations at the end of KS1 and the end of KS2.

      Price: Sub £125 / SLA £85 / Full £150

      Primary Mathematics: New Mathematics Managers 2024-25

      22 November 2024, 17 January and 14 March 2025

      Keyword Search: New Mathematics Managers

      Over three face-to-face half-day sessions this course will explore key issues in leading and managing mathematics teaching and learning in the primary years. Delegates will develop their understanding of their role as mathematics subject leader.

      As part of the course a bespoke individual virtual session of one hour will be booked during the summer term with each participant to discuss their own professional needs and support them with their mathematics action plan.

      Price: Sub £495 / SLA £260 / Full £594

      Spring Term 2025

      SEND Planning Tool: Using the Pre-Year 1 to Year 3 Mathematics Planning Tools 24-25 (Webinar)

      9 January and 26 February 2025

      Keyword Search: SEND Planning Tool

      The course will explore the effective use of the Pre Year 1- Year 3 SEND Planning Tools in mathematics. The documents have been written to outline the knowledge, concepts and strategies needed to progress from the Early Years Foundation Stage to the year 3 curriculum. The Planning Tool is specifically for pupils with SEN.

      The course will consider:

      • effective pedagogy in mathematics.
      • diagnostic assessment
      • developing pupil independence

      Delegates will have time to reflect on the needs of a child they are teaching and create a bespoke plan for the child.

      Price: Sub £175 / SLA £135 / Full £210

      Making Accelerated Progress in Year 3/4 Mathematics for Pupils Assessed as ‘Working Towards’ 

      23 January and 13 March 2025

      Keyword Search: Accelerated Progress

      This course, aimed at Year 3/4 Class teachers and Maths Leaders, over two face-to-face half-day sessions will provide practical ideas to implement within classroom practice to ensure accelerated progress in mathematics, for pupils assessed as ‘working towards.’ 

      Price: Sub £250 / SLA £160 / Full £300

      Primary Mathematics: Working at Greater Depth in Mathematics 24-25 

      6 February 2025

      Keyword Search: Mathematics Greater 24-25

      The course aims to develop teachers’ ability to vary tasks to meet the needs of greater depth pupils within their class. Teachers will explore strategies, task design and questioning to enable pupils to deepen their knowledge and understanding. 

      Price: Sub £120 / SLA £75 / Full £144

      Problem Solving in Key Stage 2 Mathematics 24-25

      6 February 2025

      Keyword Search: Problem Solving

      The course aims to develop teachers’ pedagogy on the various approaches to teaching the skills needs for effective problem solving – one of the main aims of the National Curriculum. Teachers will have the opportunity to explore the different styles of problems which enable children to develop and embed their mathematically skills.

      Price: Sub £110 / SLA £75 / Full £132

      • Secondary

        Take a look at the Secondary Maths learning opportunities available to book:

        To search for a specific course, type the course title or keywords in the 'Find Learning' box.

        Autumn Term 2024

        Autumn 1 Secondary Mathematics Network 24-25

        16 October 2024

        Keyword Search: Autumn 1 Maths

        The primary aims of the subject network meetings are to:

        • Ensure a clear understanding of the national picture and its application in local and school contexts.
        • Support effective subject leadership as appropriate to each school’s individual context.
        • Develop skills, expertise and capacity within school subject leaders and their teams through quality strategic CPD and the sharing of good practice.
        • Deepen understanding of subject specific pedagogy and knowledge that underpins good progress and attainment for ALL pupils.
        • Facilitate school to school networking and develop strength across the system.

        Price: Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90

        Autumn 2 Secondary Mathematics Network 24-25

        3 December 2024

        Keyword Search: Autumn 2 Maths

        The primary aims of the subject network meetings are to:

        • Ensure a clear understanding of the national picture and its application in local and school contexts.
        • Support effective subject leadership as appropriate to each school’s individual context.
        • Develop skills, expertise and capacity within school subject leaders and their teams through quality strategic CPD and the sharing of good practice.
        • Deepen understanding of subject specific pedagogy and knowledge that underpins good progress and attainment for ALL pupils.
        • Facilitate school to school networking and develop strength across the system.

        Price: Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90

        Spring Term 2025

        Spring 1 Secondary Mathematics Network 24-25

        6 February 2025

        Keyword Search: Spring 1 Maths

        The primary aims of the subject network meetings are to:

        • Ensure a clear understanding of the national picture and its application in local and school contexts.
        • Support effective subject leadership as appropriate to each school’s individual context.
        • Develop skills, expertise and capacity within school subject leaders and their teams through quality strategic CPD and the sharing of good practice.
        • Deepen understanding of subject specific pedagogy and knowledge that underpins good progress and attainment for ALL pupils.
        • Facilitate school to school networking and develop strength across the system.

        Price: Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90

        Spring 2 Secondary Mathematics Network 24-25

        25 March 2025

        Keyword Search: Spring 2 Maths

        The primary aims of the subject network meetings are to:

        • Ensure a clear understanding of the national picture and its application in local and school contexts.
        • Support effective subject leadership as appropriate to each school’s individual context.
        • Develop skills, expertise and capacity within school subject leaders and their teams through quality strategic CPD and the sharing of good practice.
        • Deepen understanding of subject specific pedagogy and knowledge that underpins good progress and attainment for ALL pupils.
        • Facilitate school to school networking and develop strength across the system.

        Price: Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90

        Summer Term 2025

        Summer 1 Secondary Mathematics Network 24-25

        21 May 2025

        Keyword Search: Summer 1 Maths

        The primary aims of the subject network meetings are to:

        • Ensure a clear understanding of the national picture and its application in local and school contexts.
        • Support effective subject leadership as appropriate to each school’s individual context.
        • Develop skills, expertise and capacity within school subject leaders and their teams through quality strategic CPD and the sharing of good practice.
        • Deepen understanding of subject specific pedagogy and knowledge that underpins good progress and attainment for ALL pupils.
        • Facilitate school to school networking and develop strength across the system.

        Price: Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90

        Summer 2 Secondary Mathematics Network 24-25

        3 July 2025

        Keyword Search: Summer 2 Maths

        The primary aims of the subject network meetings are to:

        • Ensure a clear understanding of the national picture and its application in local and school contexts.
        • Support effective subject leadership as appropriate to each school’s individual context.
        • Develop skills, expertise and capacity within school subject leaders and their teams through quality strategic CPD and the sharing of good practice.
        • Deepen understanding of subject specific pedagogy and knowledge that underpins good progress and attainment for ALL pupils.
        • Facilitate school to school networking and develop strength across the system.

        Price: Sub £75 / SLA £40 / Full £90