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Pathway to progress – a mathematics intervention programme for Year 6 pupils – 10 November 2023

Pathway to progress – a mathematics intervention programme for Year 6 pupils – 10 November 2023

by Hannah Richardson -
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A half-day training session on ‘Pathway to progress – a mathematics intervention programme for Year 6 pupils’. This is designed to give pupils the foundations and skills to enable them to make accelerated progress and secure age-related expectations at the end of Key Stage 2. 

  • The programme works alongside the HIAS schemes of learning and would also complement a blocked unit approach. 
  • It can be used alongside diagnostic mathematics tasks or classroom AfL to plug gaps and maximise progress in mathematics. This will allow pupils to keep up with peers and age-related learning back in class. 
  • To keep the momentum of learning, it should be delivered at least three times a week, either 1:1 or in small groups of no more than 3 pupils.

Search and book on the Learning Zone using keyword search: Pathway Year 6

Price: Sub £120 / SLA £85 / Full £144